Course Outline:
This course is an exciting Introduction to General Aviation and Airframe Basics. Within the Aviation Industry, there are many job opportunities that exist.[1] The following list of Careers in Aviation will be researched and explored:
Avionics Electronics Technician
Flight Service Specialist
Air Traffic Controller
Airport Operations and Other Terminal Jobs
SAR Tech and Other Military Aviation
Air Ambulence
Air Ambulence
/10 marks
This course also covers a range of topics in Aviation Theory and Meteorology including:
1) General Aircraft Knowledge: /20 marks
Milestones in Aviation History
Types of Aircraft
Civilian and Military
2) Theory of Flight: /20 marks
Principles and Experimentation
3) Airframe Basics: /40 marks
Aircraft Components, Propulsion and Instruments
Aircraft Design, Construction
Flight Testing Your Own Powered Model Aircraft
4) Rocket Science /30 marks
Bottle Rocket Project
5) Wake Turbulence[3] /40 marks
Wing Design
Mini Wind Tunnel Testing
6) Weather Hazards and Alerting Services /10 marks
7) ATC Rules and Procedures /10 marks
ATC Communications
8) Topographic Cartography /10 marks
9) Human Factors /10 marks
Accidents and Fatigue
/200 marks
The course will include guest speakers from within Thompson’s Aviation Industry. Students will visit the Airport to observe Airport Operations and Other Terminal Jobs.
This course has 10 Units plus a Careers Exploration. Each Theory Unit including Careers will finish with a mini test to determine student learning. The practical components will each involve a student project which must be completed to pass the course.
From the Ground Up by Sandy A. F. Macdonald (Author) Twenty-Eighth Millennium Edition, 2000.
Internet, Movies, Videos, Slideshows, Guest Speakers, Demonstrations
All Model Aircraft, Bottle Rocket (excluding 2 litre plastic bottles and old CD’s), and Mini Wind Tunnel Testing Materials are provided.
[1] Manitoba Job Prospects at:
[2] NavCanada Careers at:\AboutUs\Careers\default.xml